The Benefits of Fresh Fish
Fish is one of our favorite ingredients to work with. Not only are they delicious, they’re also an incredibly healthy addition to your diet! Eating fish once or twice a week can have positive full-body results. Here are just a few reasons to eat more fresh fish:
Fresh Fish is Good for the Heart

Heart attacks are one of the top causes of premature deaths in the world, so take care your beating buddy with fresh fish! A number of studies have shown those who eat fish at least once a week appear to have lower rates of heart issues. The Omega-3s present in fish can also help control blood-fat levels, more good news for that heart of yours.
Fresh Fish is Good for the Mind

Studies have revealed a connection between a fish-rich diet and lower rates of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Eating fish boosts the grey matter in your brain, building a defense against illnesses that target it. Grey matter is a major tissue in your noggin—processing information and solidifying memories.
You don’t need to eat swordfish to stay sharp! A serving of salmon or cod a week will do just fine.
Fresh Fish is Good for the Soul

While we know fish is good for the heart and mind, we also believe fresh fish is good for the soul. It’s rejuvenating to eat food from where you live. Local produce keeps us connected to where we’re from, and inspires us to notice and take care of our environment.
That’s why we’re so happy to provide diners with the chance to eat fish caught for them nearby. We recently served Black Cod caught off the Washington Coast near Neah Bay by Jeremy Brown, a local fisherman. And from their tables at The Oyster Bar, diners can see where the oysters they’re eating are harvested. We do things this way because we believe it’s an important part of living well.
So call (360) 766-6185 to make a reservation at The Oyster Bar on Chuckanut Drive today and come in for a fresh meal that’s good for your heart, your mind, and your soul! We can’t wait to have you around our tables.